Today, there are countless female lead characters who aren't afraid to make their opinion known, be independent, and really, just be totally awesome. But not too long ago, women were silenced, degraded, and treated as a complete lower class. Take a look at JK Rowling for instance, her publisher didn't put her full name on the books because in all reality, books written by men sell better. The same happened with SE Hinton (author of The Outsiders). It's sad that this kind of thing still happens today, where women are seen as inferior, even when it comes to writing a book. Today I'd like to take this post and show 10 female characters who, no matter the circumstances, didn't just sit down and let life happen to them! They made a difference!
1. Hermione Granger- Harry Potter Series
Hermione was a character we all grew to love when reading Harry Potter. She was often deemed as the Cleverest Witch of her age. Hermione was exactly the strong female lead this series needed. She was the brains of the trio, and got them out of countless sticky situations. She was also enormously brave. Without her, who knows where Harry and Ron would've been?
2. Katniss Everdeen- Hunger Games Series
Ah, Katniss. She's as tough, strong willed, and brave as can be. She brought an entire government down! One of her best qualities though, was that she wasn't afraid of being independent. She could fend for herself, and survive, and take care of the people she loved. She didn't need to be under the government's wing to do any of that, she let people know how oppressive they really were and helped take them down!
3.Tris Prior- Divergent Series
Or should we call her Beatrice? Tris was a very powerful character. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and did whatever it took to prove that she wasn't some insignificant little girl. She was brave. and she fought for her cause. She wasn't going to let some government people try and kill people like her just because they're different!
4. Hazel Grace Lancaster- The Fault in Our Stars
Hazel was one of the strongest characters I've ever read. Her battle with cancer was definitely a hard one, and she wanted to keep the number of people she hurt when she eventually died to the smallest number possible. Most people want to leave a mark when they die; to have something to be remembered for, but not Hazel. She viewed herself as a grenade. And the fewer casualties she could cause, the better, in her opinion. She was wise beyond her years. And she loved more powerfully than most people twice her age.
5. Jane Eyre-Jane Eyre

Jane is an intelligent, honest, and plain featured girl, forced to cope with oppression and inequality. She wasn't afraid however, to make her stance known. She never failed to assert her values, no matter how ridiculed she was because of them; because she was a woman. She possessed a strong belief in gender equality that challenged the beliefs of her time greatly, but she never faltered.
6. Maximum Ride- Maximum Ride Series
Max is just one of those kick-butt, I'm not afraid to punch you in the face, save the world kinda people. A superhero essentially! She always did whatever it took to protect her flock, and would beat up anybody she needed to to be able to do that. She didn't let anything -or anyone- get in her way.
7. Scout Finch- To Kill a Mockingbird

Scout was very intelligent for her age, and even though it went against all the customs of the time, she was a tomboy. She wasn't about to be shoved into a dress and made to look like a proper "lady". She could be whoever she wanted! Her views on people are tested, but she is always able to appreciate human goodness, a quality we all should have.
8. Liesel Mimenger- The Book Thief
Liesel resisted during a crucial part in our history- the Holocaust. Hiding a Jew in her basement, was one of the highest forms of treason. Yet she learned to love this Jew, and knew that the beliefs of her people were wrong. She also stole books. She obtained illegal knowledge, and lived for it. No matter the cost. She knew what was important, and what was right.
9. Celia Bowen- The Night Circus
Celia, a powerful illusionist, was burdened with a sad fate as a child, that she had no choice in. She as to be in a sort of contest until one or the other won. But she came to fall in love with her competitor. Against all odds, she found a way to trick her fate, and live her life away from it. All because of love.

10. Astrid- Gone Series
Astrid was much like Hermione, in that she really was the brains of the organization. She saved countless lives in the horrible anomaly that was the FAYZ. She knew the power of sacrifice, love, and knowledge, and used it consistently.
All these ladies have many redeeming qualities that we could all do well to learn from! Throughout the years, countless women have made a difference in this world that we can never forget. No woman deserves to be shunted to the side simply because she is a woman! We all have the power to make something of ourselves in this life. It all depends on how we use it!