We all have books that we loved as kids, and can't help but pick back up time and time again, if not just for nostalgia's sake. These are books that stuck with us and wethered the test of time, whose stories we just can't seem to forget. Books that we know we'll pass down to our own future kids, in hopes that they will love them just as much as we did. So without further ado, here are
my favorites!

the Harry Potter Series- these books are timeless and I look forward to seeing my kids grow up with Harry Potter, just as so many of us did. I have reread these books countless times and they just never get old!

The Phantom Tollbooth- my 6th grade teacher told us we were going to love this book, and that when we got older, we would still love it. I thought she was just weird, but she was completely right! This book is silly, and imaginative, and very creative!
Bud not Buddy- this was one of my absolute favorite books as a kid. and I believe the first book I ever reread! It's a touching story, and I'll always love it.
So B. It- this one was a bit more mature than say, the phantom tollbooth, but I loved it, and it definitely influenced my reading choices when I was younger!
To Kill A Mockingbird- most people wouldn't say that this is a middle grade book, having read it in high school myself, but I think this would be a great book for kids to read, to get a better look at our history!
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