Every once in a while, I come across a book or a series that just doesn't mesh with me. And for one reason or another, it ends up returned to the library unfinished, or back on my shelf with a bookmark halfway through it. There could be many reasons, or just one, but if a book bores me, or just doesn't develop enough, I just never feel inspired to finish it. These are a few of the books/series' that I've started, but don't think I'll ever pick up again.
Percy Jackson- I know, I know, everybody and their dog has read this series and loved it. It filled the void for a generation longing to find the next big series to replace Harry Potter. But this just didn't do the job for me. I gave it a fair shot in my opinion, I read the first two books, but I just couldn't hop on this train! I liked the idea behind it, but something about it seemed too cheesy for me. Oh well!
Happily Ever After- This was one I picked up at half price books after looking around for forever and having no luck. I did like the premise of this story, one of a girl trying to make it in the publishing world, but it was filled with completely unnecessary sexy time scenes that added nothing at all to the story, and that I just couldn't get past. So, I got fed up with it and threw it away. Yep.
Betwixt-I had seen the ad for this book in the back of another book years ago, and it sounded so intriguing that it stuck with me until I found it at Half Price Books a few months back. I was really excited to start reading about these characters with super-secret powers and discover what would happen as their paths intertwined. But alas, I got about halfway through the bookand just totally lost interest. The characters weren't all that likable, it had a bad case of insta-love, and the thing they were building up to just seemed really dumb. So I don't think I'll be finishing that one anytime soon either!
Wicked-BEWARE. If you picked up this book because you loved the musical and thought it would be a fantasic read, DON'T DO IT!!!!!! The musical Wicked that we all know and love is the incredibly censored and family friendly version of this book. I learned some things I really could have gone my whole life (or at least my
13-year-old-at-the-time life) without knowing within the first few chapters of this book. I only got a few chapters in when I just threw it away. We're talking seriously graphic sexy-time scenes here people.
Matched-This is another dystopian type YA series that has been making its rounds lately. I read the first book in the trilogy, and just wasn't satisfied. I didn't like the characters, didn't like the plot, and I didn't like the love triangle. 'nuff said.
Uglies-Yet another dytopian series, this one had a pretty unique society. But I just didn't like it. I didn't finish even the fist book, because I couldn't stand how their society revolved. I know the whole point in a dystopian book is that they take down the oppressive government, but they didn't get to it nearly quick enough for me. Bye bye!
The Kill Order- This book was the prequel to the Maze Runner series (which I LOVED). So needless to say, when this one came out, I was pretty excited! But it just didn't deliver, at least, not in my opinion. Didn't finish it, probably won't.
Game of Thrones-And last but not least, Game of Thrones. This series is absolutely MASSIVE. I didn't get through the first book, everything was just so stinking complicated, I wasn't sure that I even
was reading the first book through most of it. And there are
so many characters, it's hard to keep up with them all! And of course he had to throw in a whole bunch of naked people, which wasn't enjoyable. So that ones a no go too!
And there you have it. For those of you who think that I just automatically like every book that I come across, here are a few that I didn't even like enough to finish. Yaay!
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