Well, on my night before kindergarten, my dad had to work overtime. Anyone who has spent any amount of time around little kids knows that their patience level is zip (So what if mine still hasn't changed much?).
So while I waited infinitely long for my dad to get home, I went into my room and picked every single book off my shelf that I wanted him to read to me that night. It seemed imperative that he read every single one of these books, or else kindergarten was going to be horrible. It was getting to be a pretty sizable pile, when I heard him finally come through the front door. I quickly scooped the (in my mind, HUGE, but in all reality probably pretty small) pile into my arms and ran as fast as I could, down the hallway, around the corner, and into the living room. Except, I didn't make it to the living room part... Turns out running with a pile of books that you can't see over, plus running in slippery socks isn't a very good idea. Who knew? As I rounded the corner, my feet slipped out from under me and...
Books went flying, and I ran headfirst into the corner of the wall. It took me a second, once I fell to the floor, to realize what had happened and start the massive wave of hysterics. Blood gushing from my forehead, incredible pain in my eye, and the beginning of a large shiner, I definitely had the right look for the first day of kindergarten. Right?
After that, once I had calmed down a bit, I got to stay up late watching snow white and eating a grape snow cone, so it was all good.
But I do have a tiny scar above my left eyebrow that serves as a reminder not to run while holding a giant pile of books, pay attention to where you're running if you do happen to have a giant pile of books, and the best way to introduce yourself on your first day of school ever, is obviously to do it with a swollen face and a black eye. You'll be the coolest kid in school, right?

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