Juliette has a deadly touch. Anyone that comes in contact with her lethal skin dies. Juliette has never known the loving embrace of another human being, or the basic feeling of human contact. The last time she mistakenly touched someone resulted in her being thrown in a cell and shunted from insane asylum to insane asylum. But the new government that has ruined the dying world has taken an interest in Juliette's unique situation. And she's not so sure she want's to be their weapon.Beware: RANT AHEAD
So, I just recently finished this trilogy. I didn't read the books in a very timely succession, so I don't remember much about the first book. I do remember that I really liked it and I finished it in a day though! However, the series did not follow through. At all. The second book was alright, and the third book was just... awful. And I feel bad saying that because I really love the author! But the main character, Juliette, was one of the most whiny, annoying, unlikable characters I've ever read. She spent the entire trilogy wallowing in the biggest pool of self pity I've ever seen. She even said at one point that "I never stopped to consider that someone could have it worse than me." I mean COME ON! The Earth is almost literally falling apart and she's been safe in a cell while the entire world starves and dies from diseases and harsh climates, etc. I was okay with it the first book, the second book I was annpyed, and the third book I barely even made it through. If I weren't so interested in seeing how one of the supporting characters ended up, I wouldn't even have bothered. She's supposed to be this warrior, but she didn't grow a spine until the last hundred pages! I'm not going to get into any spoilers here, but the third book was probably one of the worst I've read this year. I honestly just flipped through the last 10 chapters to get the gist of what was going on because I just wanted to be done with it! UGH. I wanted so badly to like this trilogy, but I just can't. And it's not just Juliette that's wrong with these books. I could go on and on, but I can't really mention anything else I didn't like without giving away spoilers. Which, in spite of how much I didn't like this trilogy, I still don't want to do in case there are any of you out there who are still reading or want to read this. I will say though, the writing in these books was beautiful. Tahereh Mafi has a very unique way with words! That's partly why I feel s bad about not liking these! However, I would give this series probably... 3 noodles overall. And that's probably generous.

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