Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Book Spew

I don't think it's any secret that I like books. If we 're having a conversation involving books, or I happen to be in a book store with you, you will firsthand witness what can only be called the Book Spew. You've just entered into a one-way road to Carley's brain, where-surprise!-I think about books. Once you get me started, it's really hard to get me to stop. I will incessantly ramble about what I'm reading at the time, or what I want to read next, or what I read yesterday... You get the picture. And if we're in the bookstore or the library, you'll be hearing -

"Oh that book is good."
"That book is really good." 
"Oh you definitely need to read that." 
"Don't even look at that one. It was horrible."
"Oh I cried like a baby  during that one!"

You see what I mean? I'll be your walking library, with so many recommendations, you'll probably pick up a book and start reading just to get me to stop. So I say this as a warning, unless you actually want to hear it, be prepared to get books spewed all over you if you're within close proximity to me;)

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